Fancy trying your hand at being a town planner? Well now you can
A new iPhone App called Run That Town has been designed and released by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
Made with real census data and the option to use your own postcode, it opens up the world of town planning to anyone with a smart phone.
How would you plan your local suburb? Could you do a better job than your local Council?
Run that Town gives you the option to reject or approve an array of different fictional planning proposals. It gives both positive and negative options from locals and in the end the final decision is yours.
If your decisions pleases the locals your popularity soars meaning you are playing the game right.
To have a go, download the App here. And best of all, it’s free!
If you have a real life proposal and need some expert town planning advice – click here.
What we do:
19 April 2013: CS Application recently lodged to Latrobe City Council for the change of use to a 24 hour gymnasium.
6th May 2013: CS Application recently lodged to Hepburn City Council for change of use for a medical centre.
8th May 2013: CS Application recently lodged to Monee Valley City Council for the change of use to a 24 hour gymnasium.
20th May 2013: CS Application to Brimbank city council for two dwellings on a lot receives approval from Council.
21st May 2013: CS Application recently lodged to City of Melbourne for change of use to medical centre.
31st May 2013: CS Application to Moonee Valley for three dwellings on a lot and subdivision progresses to advertising.